Blockchain Powered

True Green Deal Corporations Presents

Built on

NCOG Earth Chain


Development Goals

Patents, Ratings

& Certifications

Investing on our Planet's future

Minting Carbon Credits as NFT's

What are carbon credtis?

What are NFTs

Carbon Footprint

Carbon Trading

Carbon Credit Markets

NFT Marketplace

Sustainable Landfill

Modernized Sutainable Landfill

Endless - Sustainable - Regenerative

The Anaerobic To Aerobic Solution

Aerobic Process Advantages

Statistical Data ( Canada & USA )

Aerobic Landfill Bioreactor System

Mission : Save Plant - Save Future

Supporting & Rewarding
Green Projects

Green Education Campaigns

TGD.Earth create and runs multiple campaigns that create awareness about the modern landfills, greenhouse gasses and green technology

Crowdfunding Green Projects

TGD.Earth is developing a crowdfunding platform that focuses on green tech related projects only. This helps the innovators to achieve their goals and create impact on green economy

Reward System for kids

Kids are the ones that will be inheriting the world from us. Getting them invested early in protecting the environment is the key. Our reward program is designed to achieve this.

Financing for Green Project

True Green Deal Corporation interested in financing Green Projects around the world and committed to do impact investing

Gamifying Green

TGD Corp is committed to use Game Mechanics to create Green Awareness and motivate the peoples towards sustainable development

Green Tech Projects

TGD Corp is looking forward to joining hands with the green technology companies and indie green tech projects. By sharing knowledge and technology, we can create positive results.

Our Partners

Several selected clients, who already
believe in our service.